Jack N @ GitHub

Full stack engineer, focus on: Angular/React, node.js/.Net


Hello Hexo

Why Hexo

I’m a fan of Node.js, and github, and I want to choose a tool written in node.js to help me write blogs.
And it is Hexo! It is a fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.

Features of Hexo

  • Blazing fast generating
  • Support for GitHub Flavored Markdown and most Octopress plugins
  • One-command deploy to GitHub Pages, Heroku, etc.
  • Powerful plugin system

Several Node.js Static Site Generators

I like Node.js, so I give you several choose beside the Hexo!


Metalsmith immediately caught my attention not only thanks to its beautiful and minimal design, but also because of the following tagline: An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator. The first blurb goes on to explain that all of the logic in Metalsmith is handled by plugins. You simply chain them together. This makes Metalsmith the most versatile of all the systems presented here.


Wintersmith claims to be a flexible, minimalistic, multi-platform static site generator built on top of Node.js. Certainly, minimalistic is the key word! Wintersmith isn’t suited for beginners, but it’s perfectly fine for intermediate or advanced developers looking to get up and running with little fuss. Wintersmith’s approach isn’t the only thing that’s minimal. It was coded in CoffeeScript and ships with Jade and Markdown ready to go.


Assemble is a powerful tool that integrates Grunt and Yeoman into its workflow. Like Punch and DocPad discussed later in this article, Assemble tries to get designers and developers on the same page. For example, Assemble comes pre-packaged with Handlebars, one of the most widely used and beginner-friendly templating systems available.